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The Vitamin D Newsletter


Another quiz

This is a periodic newsletter from the Vitamin D Council, a non-profit
trying to end the epidemic

of vitamin D deficiency. If you don't want it, hit reply and let us know.
This newsletter is not

copyrighted. Please feel free to reproduce it or post it on internet sites.
Haven't signed up for

the newsletter yet? Go to the Vitamin D Council's website.

Question: How can I use vitamin D to murder my undeserving husband?

Answer: By starting early in the morning.

Last month we learned vitamin D is used as a rat poison. If it will kill a
rat, it will kill a husband.

How much would it take? The Institute of Medicine's (IOM) 1997 report says
anything above

2,000 units a day may be toxic. Let's see.

This month we learned how much it takes to sicken a child. Doctors at the
University of

Maryland School of Medicine report a case of accidental overdose of
ergocalciferol - a vitamin

D like drug.

Pediatrics. 2005 Sep;116(3):e453-6.

(Ergocalciferol is not vitamin D; it is a vitamin D analog whose patent
expired years ago.

Trader Joe's sells it as a vegetarian vitamin D. It is usually obtained by
radiating fungi, a fact

the health food crowd ignores. Ergocalciferol does not occur naturally in
the human body, nor

do its numerous metabolic byproducts. It was nice to see the authors refer
to ergocalciferol as

a vitamin D analog. Ergocalciferol is not vitamin D. Cholecalciferol is
vitamin D.)

Anyway, mom was giving her 32-lb son a liquid preparation of ergocalciferol
made in Latin

America. The direction stated adults should take one drop (2,500 units) per
day but mom

mistakenly gave junior four bottles (2,400,000 units or 60 mg) over four
days. The child

developed abdominal pain, mild high blood pressure, and high blood calcium
but made an

uneventful recovery once the correct diagnosis was made.

So, we still don't know how much it takes to murder a husband. The authors
say 21 mg/kg is

the lethal dose. If the same is true in humans, a 220-lb death deserving
husband would require

about 200,000 pills. Ladies, to get that much down him you'll have to start
lacing his beer early

in the day.

However, this child got quite sick taking one-fifth that amount (4 mg/kg).
His calcium peaked at

15 mg/dl, high enough to be concerning. Vitamin D kills rats by causing high
blood calcium. A

110-lb adult would have to take 200 bottles (20,000 of the 400 unit
capsules) to match the

child's intake.

(1 of 7)10/1/2005 11:15:49 AM.Message

So, don't take 200 bottles at a time; don't take 50 bottles at a time; don't
take 25 bottles at a

time. I would say don't take 15 bottles at a time but:

1. This month doctors at the University of New South Wales reported giving
50 elderly

patients the equivalent of 15 bottles (600,000 units) in a single injection
and concluded

it was a good idea to do it every year.

a) True

b) False

True. Due to sun scare, vitamin D deficiency is sunny Australia is now quite
a problem, so the

authors were looking for an easy, cheap way to maintain blood levels for an
entire year. It

worked pretty well but I wouldn't do it. It is not physiologic.

Med J Aust. 2005 Jul 4;183(1):10-2.

Remember, a 25-hydroxy-vitamin D is the blood test you should have at least
twice a year -

spring and fall. Take enough cholecalciferol to maintain normal levels of
around 50 ng/ml (125

nmol/L), year-round. It will take about 5,000 units/day from all sources
(sun, supplements, and

diet) to do so.

2. Professor Kay Colston, of St. Georges Hospital Medical School in London,
was the

coauthor of two remarkable vitamin D papers over the last few months.

a) True

b) False

True. Dr. Colston was senior author on that dramatic paper that showed
breast cancer was

five times more frequent in the women with the lowest blood levels.

Eur J Cancer. 2005 May;41(8):1164-9. Epub 2005 Apr 14.

Dr. Colston helped Dr. Kelly Townsend, of the University of Birmingham,
write a review of the

ability of cancerous tissues to make activated vitamin D or calcitriol.
Calcitriol is a remarkable

anticancer agent, but no one knows for sure if levels of vitamin D in the
blood will increase

calcitriol levels in tumors. The take away point is that some tumors still
have the ability to make

calcitriol while other tumors may get calcitriol from nearby cells,
especially immune cells. The

amount of calcitriol in your tumor may depend on the amount of vitamin D in
your blood.

J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2005 Aug 1; [Epub ahead of print]

We don't yet know if vitamin D will help fight cancer. It looks as if will
help. Until we know more,

the real question is: Should oncologists allow their cancer patients to die
vitamin D deficient?

(2 of 7)10/1/2005 11:15:49 AM.Message

Most do.

Endocr Pract. 2004 May-Jun;10(3):292-3.

Some cancer patients tell me they are taking 10,000 units of vitamin D a day
in hope it will

retard their cancer's growth. If you e-mail me, asking me if vitamin D will
help your cancer, I will

e-mail you back saying I don't know. 10,000 units a day has never been shown
to cause high

blood calcium in healthy people, lifeguards get about that much every day.
There is no known

reason to take more. If you have cancer and take vitamin D, remember to get
your calcium

checked periodically as a few cancers can activate too much vitamin D and
cause high blood


3. In July, researchers at the University of Quebec showed that breast

(associated with malignancy) is lower in women with higher vitamin D

a) True

b) False.

True. The authors speculated that even 400 units of vitamin D, when taken
with calcium,

reduce breast cancer risk more than Tamoxifen.

Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2005 Jul;14(7):1653-9.

4. Researchers recently reported patients with Hodgkin's lymphoma live
longer if they

are diagnosed in sunny weather.

a) True

b) False

True. The authors implied it is time to stop testing the expensive vitamin D
analogs in cancer

patients and start testing plain old vitamin D. So we add Hodgkin's'
lymphoma and colon

cancer to lung cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer, all of which have
a better prognosis

if diagnosed when vitamin D blood levels are the highest. These papers are
important because

they strongly imply a treatment effect with vitamin D.

Br J Cancer. 2005 Sep 5;93(5):571-4.

J Photochem Photobiol B. 2005 Mar 1;78(3):189-93.

5. One makes quite of bit of vitamin D in the shade.

a) True

b) False

(3 of 7)10/1/2005 11:15:49 AM.Message

True. At least in the subtropics, vitamin D producing UVB light was only 50%
less under

umbrellas or shade trees owing to the fact that a lot of UVB light is
reflected. This study was

conducted at latitude 27 degrees, and the authors were quick to point out
the amount made in

the shade at higher latitudes, such as U.S. and Europe, will be less.

J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2005 Jul 5; [Epub ahead of print]

6. You are much more likely to die from a heart attack in the winter than
the summer.

a) True

b) False

True. The dramatic decrease in deaths from myocardial infarction over the
last 20 years is

only partially explained by improved medical care and remains something of a
mystery. The

reason for the large seasonal variations in death rates (you are much more
likely to die from a

heart attack in the winter) is more of a mystery, although many experts
believe that colder

temperatures cause heart attacks. If cold weather causes heart attacks, then
people who live

at higher altitudes, where it is generally colder, will be more likely to
die from heart attacks.

Let's see if this is so.

QJM. 2003 Jan;96(1):45-52.

7. Greek researchers recently confirmed that those who live at higher
altitudes are

much less likely to die from heart disease.

a) True

b) False

True. Both the men and women living at 950 meters, where vitamin D producing
UVB light is

much more intense, had significantly lower total and cardiac mortality than
their lowland

cousins. The lowland men were more than twice as likely to die from a heart
attack in spite of

having lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol.

J Epidemiol Community Health. 2005 Apr;59(4):274-8.

Three epidemiological facts about heart attacks cry out for a simple
explanation, a single

theory that explains all the facts. The three facts: heart attacks are less
common closer to the

equator, less common in the summer, and less common at higher altitudes.
Three more facts:

vitamin D producing UVB light is higher closer to the equator, higher in the
summer, and higher

at higher altitudes.

8. After getting 50,000 units of ergocalciferol twice a week for eight weeks

units), 100% of vitamin D deficient patients with cystic fibrosis remained
vitamin D


(4 of 7)10/1/2005 11:15:49 AM.Message

a) True

b) False

True. Unfortunately, ergocalciferol is not vitamin D and we will never know
if these patients

with poor absorption would have absorbed real vitamin D, probably not.
50,000 units of

ergocalciferol a week for 8 weeks is common treatment of vitamin D
deficiency in the USA

because ergocalciferol is the only vitamin D like drug available in
prescription strength. Real

vitamin D, cholecalciferol, is not available in prescription strength.

Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2005 Jul 15;172(2):212-7. Epub 2005 Apr

9. Researchers have repeatedly found lower 25(OH)D levels in demented

a) True

b) False

True. At least four studies have incidentally found that demented patients
have lower 25(OH)D

levels. The obvious explanation is that demented patients don't go outside
as much. However,

Dhesi found associations between 25(OH)D and cognition within a narrow range
of cognition,

harder to explain by outdoor behavior. Flicker found the association, even
after adjusting for

outdoor exposure.

J Am Geriatr Soc. 1995 Oct;43(10):1088-91.

J Bone Miner Res. 2002 May;17(5):891-7.

J Am Geriatr Soc. 2003 Nov;51(11):1533-8.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2005 Mar;86(3):576-81.

Recently the Australians showed that multiple areas of the human brain
contain both the

vitamin D receptor and the ability to activate vitamin D into the powerful
steroid hormone,

calcitriol. This has implications for a wide variety of neurological and
psychiatric illnesses.

J Chem Neuroanat. 2005 Jan;29(1):21-30.

Of course all this is more interesting after Irish researchers announced
last month that vitamin

D reverses the inflammation associated with age related dementia. Should we
add dementia to

the list of diseases caused by vitamin D deficiency?

Biochem Soc Trans. 2005 Aug;33(Pt 4):573-7.

10. Researchers gave African Americans women 2,000 units of cholecalciferol
a day for

a year and found no effect on bone mineral density.

a) True

(5 of 7)10/1/2005 11:15:49 AM.Message

b) False

True. A New York group treated 81 healthy African American women with 800
units/day for

two years and then with 2,000 units/day for another year. They found no
effect on bone loss.

Examination of their data showed that more than ninety-five percent of the
women were still

vitamin D deficient (<40 ng/ml) at the end of three months of treatment with
2,000 units. It

looked as if forty percent still had levels less than 32 ng/ml at the end of
the three years. That

said, this was a good study.

Arch Intern Med. 2005 Jul 25;165(14):1618-23.

Some authors have suggested African Americans have developed decreased
sensitivity to

vitamin D. For example, low blood levels were strongly associated with
diabetes (one-fourth

the risk with the highest levels) in whites, but not in African Americans.

Diabetes Care. 2004 Dec;27(12):2813-8.

Perhaps adequate doses (4,000 units a day) would have had an effect on
African American

women - we will never know because the researchers followed the archaic
guidelines from the

Institute of Medicine (IOM). The 1997 IOM guidelines state anything over
2,000 units may be

toxic. Those same IOM guidelines for daily supplementation recommend 200
units/day for

those less than 50 years old, 400 units/day between 50 and 70, and 600/day
units above age


Not only have these guidelines kept undeserving husbands alive, they have
hindered research

by forcing scientists to use inadequate doses of vitamin D in scientific
studies. More

importantly, they are inadequate to maintain healthy blood levels. To
paraphrase Professor

Robert Heaney, the 1997 IOM recommendations are both irrelevant and
inadequate. Every

month, the scientific literature makes the IOM recommendations look more and

dangerous to your health. The longer it takes the IOM to correct their
mistake, the grosser their

error becomes.

John Cannell, MD

9100 San Gregorio Road

Atascadero, CA 93422

The Vitamin D Council

This is a periodic newsletter from the Vitamin D Council, a non-profit
trying to end the epidemic

of vitamin D deficiency. If you don't want to get the newsletter, hit reply
and let us know. This

newsletter is not copyrighted. Please feel free to reproduce it or post it
on internet sites.

Haven't signed up for the newsletter yet? Go to the Vitamin D Council's

(6 of 7)10/1/2005 11:15:49 AM.Message

(7 of 7)10/1/2005 11:15:49 AM
2006-02-02 07:52:01 UTC
"nora" <n g r o n d a ***@start.no.invalid> skrev i melding news:3k0Ef.11041$***@juliett.dax.net...

I Tromsø pågår det for tiden et forsøk der forsøkspersonene får store doser
D-vit. De har funnet at overvektige ofte har lite D-vit i blodet, og
forskninga går ut på å finne om det er noen sammenheng, og om
forsøkspersonene blir mindre overvektige om de får tilstrekkelig med D-vit.
For noen uker siden var dette den store nyheten på disse kanter.

2006-02-02 10:25:36 UTC
"I Tromsø pågår det for tiden et forsøk der forsøkspersonene får store doser
D-vit. De har funnet at overvektige ofte har lite D-vit i blodet, og
forskninga går ut på å finne om det er noen sammenheng, og om
forsøkspersonene blir mindre overvektige om de får tilstrekkelig med D-vit.
For noen uker siden var dette den store nyheten på disse kanter.

Jeg fant en del om Tromsø og vitamin D ved å taste inn Jorde på medline
www.pubmed.com .
Dette var bare de som jorde var involvert i. I tilleg er det andre som også
driver med det der. Brustad også.

Har du noe navn slik at man kan søke på medline og på google?

2006-02-02 14:17:20 UTC
Mer lesning, denne gangen postinger på et forum


2006-02-02 22:47:47 UTC
Post by nora
Mer lesning, denne gangen postinger på et forum
Fine linker du hadde der-:)

Tror prosjektet har utspring i funn gjort i forbindelse med Tromsø

2006-02-05 16:14:05 UTC
Post by HKH
Post by nora
Mer lesning, denne gangen postinger på et forum
Fine linker du hadde der-:)
Tror prosjektet har utspring i funn gjort i forbindelse med Tromsø
http://www.nordlys.no/nyheter/article1892037.ece e5r også interessant, fra

